

©2014 Candace Scharsu Photography - All Rights Reserved - Bushmeat



Anything that moves is  “bushmeat,” monkey and gorilla its delicacies. This lucrative illegal underground trade turns traditional hunters into commercial ones catering to the loggers whose meat consumption is three times that of locals.  Simultaneously deforestation of these diverse eco-systems exposes unexplored areas and unknown species, amongst them dangerous pathogens. These microbes and parasites infest the bushmeat resulting in viral outbreaks. And when endangered species become meals, and pets, as status symbols, extinction of the exotic is imminent. The barbarism of bushmeat isn’t only about the ignoramus dining on gorillas hands, but involves disappearing forests, global warming, human (pygmies) and animal rights violations, species extinction, and viral threats which are more likely to end our Anthropocene era than terrorist or nuclear ones.                            —Candace Scharsu  2014


©2014 Candace Scharsu Photography - All Rights Reserved - Bushmeat      ©2014 Candace Scharsu Photography - All Rights Reserved - Bushmeat      ©2014 Candace Scharsu Photography - All Rights Reserved - Bushmeat


©2014 Candace Scharsu Photography - All Rights Reserved - Bushmeat


©2014 Candace Scharsu Photography - All Rights Reserved - Bushmeat     ©2014 Candace Scharsu Photography - All Rights Reserved - Bushmeat     ©2014 Candace Scharsu Photography - All Rights Reserved - Bushmeat



Concerned Photo Essays:      Bushmeat  2014     Sudan: Mundari Wrestlers 2012      Independence South Sudan 2011      Lord Kony in Eastern Congo 2008

Lord Kony  in Northern Uganda      Blood Diamond War      Burma, Daw Aung San Suu Kyi

Cholera Epidemic in Guinea  2007      Haiti      Karamojong Warriors      Leprosy in Zambia      Malaria      Midwives in Africa 2008

Pygmies of Central Africa      Republic of Congo      Tibet, Vietnam, India      The Tuaregs of Niger

Africa's Beauty:      Black & White      Color      About:      Exhibits      Self Portrait      Press      Contact


Contact / Purchase Inquiries:   cscharsu [at] gmail [dot] com

All Images © 2022 Candace Scharsu   All Rights Reserved
